By LiveSites on Thursday, 13 October 2016
Category: Blog

Holiday Medical Care

Medical care during the holidays can get a little tricky in Israel. During the holidays, many medical offices and hospitals are operating on Shabbat mode.  Shabbat mode means that personnel are cut to a minimum staffing, many clinics are not operational, and routine, non-emergency health services are not provided.  These hours can include hospitals, emergency and urgent care centers, pharmacies, clinics, and private medical offices. 

Medical offices have less operational hours (or none), so the few hours they are open, they are typically overbooked. Don’t forget that Medical Care during the Holidays includes the eve of holidays!  The eve of a holiday (Erev Chag) is usually a half working day, with offices and pharmacies closed around 12 noon.

What does this mean for me?

This means that it will be more difficult to get an appointment with your doctor, take care of medical tests, or even get efficient care in a hospital.  The hospital departments that are working as usual are intensive care, delivery rooms, and the dialysis unit. The emergency room will be super crowded because people cannot get appointments for their doctor. 

Do not depend on any medical services during the intermediate days (Chol Hamoed) of Succot!!
To ensure a healthy holiday follow these EMA Care tips:

    1. If you are on daily medication, fill your prescriptions BEFORE the holiday.
    2. Lab hours may be shorter or changed. Check the lab hours online before you leave the house.
    3. Schedule important doctor appointments before Succot begins.
    4. If you have a medical emergency, or an urgent medical need – please have patience. You will get care but will probably have abnormally long wait times.

Also note: Public transportation may be limited, and may end early – especially on the eve of holidays.  There also may be road closures due to parades and festivals and holiday activities.

EMA Care wishes you a wonderful holiday!  Medical care may be a bit more complicated but Succot in Israel is the best. Chag Sameach!!

EMA Care provides medical concierge, case management, and patient advocacy services to tourists, students and residents of Israel. We can be reached at your free consultation today.